Changing the Game – By Fueling Financial Potential
As Publisher and Editor-in-Chief this global media platform, I was delighted to be introduced to Pamala McCoy, CEO of BONA5D CREDIT CONSULTANTS, LLC., the first choice of organizations seeking to provide the benefit of financial capability education with personal money management to their team, associates, and members. This introduction came to us via Beth Ross, Founder & Executive Director of Blanket Tampa Bay.
We’d like to hear about your professional journey before launching BONA5DCC.
I graduated from North Carolina State University with a BA, Business Management. I ended up graduating in 1989 instead of 1988 due to being hit head-on by a drunk driver when returning to NCSU after Christmas break my freshman year. If you were to see my mangled 4-door, Toyota Corolla, and knowing the jaws-of-life had to be used to extract me, you would agree that ‘HE’ had work for me to do.
I started my professional career in 1989 with Sears credit for almost 9 years; I gained credit policy writing experience in my year at Service Merchandise headquarter. These two
assignments prepared me for my position at a startup bank, TCM Bank, NA. In these three organizations, I successfully performed in progressive positions for almost 25 years. It was during this professional journey that I found my purpose and BONA5D Credit Consultants, LLC was birthed in 2008. It is our goal to EDUCATE. EMPOWER. EVOLVE. ENLIGHTEN. ENRICH. each individual we are blessed to serve.
Tell us about the BONA5DCC and the inspiration behind it.
BONA5DCC allows me to walk in my purpose of serving HIS people with my gifts and it fuels my passion for IMPACTING LIVES. The name of my company pronounced bonafide and the philosophy of, as Webster defines it .. GENUINE, SINCERE, EARNEST INTENT, IN GOOD FAITH, HONEST. As the largest portion of my corporate career was in the collection arena, daily I had the opportunity to educate customers and assist them with solutions to not only resolve the delinquency status but provide them tools to “FUEL THEIR FINANCIAL POTENTIAL™”. Customers, as well as family members and others (even strangers), began to consistently tell me that I need to go into business to provide my services to help people with their personal finances.. then my pastor preached a series on walking in your purpose. I finally said “Lord, I acquiesce” and BONA5DCC was established.
Note: The 5 in my company name is also significant. Biblically speaking 5 is the number of ‘grace’. Consequently, everything that we do typically is in fives.
When did you launch and what’s been your biggest challenge?
I launched BONA5D Credit Consultants, LLC on April 2, 2008. I would say the biggest challenge has been that in many cases, I have to first get over the hurdle of why I have a FEE to provide Financial Capability Education and banks/credit unions say they will provide Financial Literacy for FREE. This hurdle must be overcome before I can begin speaking about the details of services and prior outcomes. The decision makers have to be educated on the ROI they will realize when they decide to invest in their people.
What’s a typical day for you?
Since I am a one woman business, I wear all hats. That said, I make calls, take meetings, emails, social media, research, volunteerism, picking up clothing donations & sorting and network to create opportunities that will allow BONA5DCC to impact lives.
How would you describe your typical client?
My typical client is any individual, group or organization that is serious about doing the necessary work to progress towards “FUELING THEIR FINANCIAL POTENTIAL™”. Desiring to obtain and apply financial education has no specific economic or ethnic description. For BONA5DCC, it is really about the mindset.
Any noteworthy surprises or “A-ha” moments so far?
As I journey in my purpose, I regularly remind myself that “if you continue to walk in your purpose, the money will come”. As you might know, in entrepreneurship the money earned can flow or dribble; however, each time I seemed to get somewhat serious about getting back in corporate, another contract will come through for BONA5DCC. The emotions this cycle emotes is an internal struggle. On one hand, I’m excited about getting the contract. On the other hand, due to my faith, I feel guilty about the contract because I wonder if I make God feel like – ‘ye of little faith’ .. why would you ever doubt that I would make a way for you as you walk in your purpose of being that beacon of light on the path of MY PEOPLE! I truly feel blessed to serve.
This has not been just a journey of entrepreneurship, but a faith journey as well. If you’ve looked at my website you’ve noted my infamous quote “GOD IS SO CRAZY COOL” (#GISCC) – it is what I say when you just can’t describe what has happened. When the occurrence seems so crazy (in a good way) that it would happen to you or for you, but at the same time, you say to yourself ‘how cool was that’ that it would happen to me or for me… you know in your heart of hearts the only explanation is HIM.
My #GISCC moments are way too numerous …
What about the “social impact” of what you do?
Though marketing 101 says ‘everyone’ can’t be your client (and I get that), EVERYONE can benefit from Financial Capability Education/Personal Money Management. Each and every person does or will have an impact on our economics; the level of impact may vary. My faith is fundamental in EVERYTHING I do and to that end, I believe too much is given – much is required and we believers are tasked to give of our time, our talent and our treasure. Additionally, HE wants HIS children to do well which is one way to create an opening to share HIM. I have been blessed beyond measure in my life (and I not only speaking of materially); thus, in knowing my purpose, I am driven to use my talent to educate HIS people with regards to their personal money management. When finances are in order, it is foundational to all other aspects of one’s life, to include their physical & mental health.
What’s the next big thing/on the horizon for BONA5DCC?
I’m currently working on my second & third books. I’m also working on a curriculum for young girls, expanding my F5 seminar series [FUELING FINANCIAL FIRE FOR FEMALES™ / FUELING FINANCIAL FIRE FOR FELLAS™ / FUELING FINANCIAL FIRE FOR FAMILIES™; as well as, pursuing some ideas/inventions that I’ve had for some time. STAY TUNED!
Additionally, I continue my pursuit for funding that will allow me to provide Financial Capability Education/Personal Money Management to the demographic that is most adversely affected by the economic disparity. This overlooked demographic is not on the radar of the mainstream, but are in desperate need of the knowledge that they are not able to pay to attend to receive and in some cases, do not even realize they need these tools; tools that will not only change their NOW but also their NEXT … their future and the future of their family … generational transfer.
As a business professional, what’s non-negotiable for you?
ANYTHING that would require me to compromise my character or ethics. No money, no opportunity, NOTHING is worth that kind of compromise. NON-NEGOTIABLE! NON-STARTERS!
How can we all learn more about BONA5DCC?
Please visit my website and my YouTube channel and follow me on social media. FOLLOW, SHARE & LIKE me:
P.S. I post a daily inspiration Monday – Friday at 5:55a on my personal Facebook and Twitter. I hope you will check it out daily and that it will inspire you, life you, blessed.