03-06-20 morning inspiration
Every call ‘to’ Jesus also includes a call ‘from’ something else.
#B5#BONA5D #GISCC #E5 #PamalaMcCoy #BONA5DBITS #FYFPPamala McCoy, www.bona5dcc.com
03-05-20 Morning Inspiration
We will feel unfulfilled until we learn to “untie the boat from the dock,” so to speak, and let the ocean of God’s Spirit take us wherever He wills. ~ Joyce Meyer
#B5#BONA5D #GISCC #E5 #PamalaMcCoy #BONA5DBITS #FYFPPamala McCoy, www.bona5dcc.com
03-04-20 morning inspiration
Experience gives us confidence, but we never get experience unless we step out and try things we have not tried before.
#B5#BONA5D #GISCC #E5 #PamalaMcCoy #BONA5DBITS #FYFPPamala McCoy, www.bona5dcc.com